An all-in-one GRC solution

Plans adapted to your needs, regardless of your cybersecurity level
Accelerate your compliance projects with the help of a Qontrol Certified Cyber Expert.


€349/ mois
To manage all your cybersecurity governance and achieve compliance objectives.
Access to our certification frameworks:
ISO27001 | SOC2 | DORA | SecNumCloud | NIS2...
Cyber AI assistant for security managers
Cybersecurity diagnostics
AI assistant for employees
Evidence collection
Automated security questionnaires
Employee awareness training and
Compliance report exports
Cybersecurity Passport
Security policy management
Start today


sur demande
For robust cyber and autopilot compliance.
All of the Business plan, plus:
Custom security frameworks
Deployment policies by scope (regions, businesses, sites) Coming Soon
API integrations with security solutions
Dedicated account manager
Start today
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Pilot your cybersecurity
Cybersecurity posture diagnostics
Diagnostics of employees' digital practices
Simplified onboarding of the entire team on necessary actions.
Custom Cybersecurity Roadmap
Detailed roadmap for all collaborators.
Detailed roadmap for all collaborators.
Deployment of security measures
Detailed project tracking
External scans
En option
En option
Integration with external tools
Incident response process
Managing and communicating compliance
Collection of security evidence
Cybersecurity policy exports
Cybersecurity Passport
Automatique et certifié
Automatique et certifié
Security questionnaires by AI
5 par mois
Sector-specific frameworks
Customized framework
Certification preparation
Préparation aux certification
En option
Quickly deploy an ISMS (Information Security Management System).
Centralisation of all cybersecurity policies
Creation of cybersecurity policy documents by AI (business continuity, IT charter...).
AI virtual assistant for administrators
AI virtual assistant for the whole team
Advanced management tools
User provisioning, SAML, SSO, Organizational sub-perimeters

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be a specialist to use Qontrol?

Do you need to be a mechanic to drive a car? No, Qontrol is built to enable everyone to manage their cybersecurity. For those who need to make decisions, we explain the ins and outs in simple terms. For those who take action and need guidance, no prior technical knowledge is required; everyone is supported gradually and pedagogically.

Who uses Qontrol within teams?

The Starter Plan allows 3 administrators to access the admin space, where you can manage all your cybersecurity policies. You can then communicate progress on your security projects to the rest of your teams because in cybersecurity, everyone is involved. In the 'Business' and 'Enterprise' plans, each collaborator has their own space on the platform.

The interface is customised for each individual based on their role within the organization. For example, those who decide on cybersecurity strategy will have access to the 'administrator' space and will have decision-making assistance to choose the best solutions to deploy. The rest of the team, who may need to handle a new tool, for instance, will have specialized guidance in the 'user' space.

Are my data safe with Qontrol?

We apply the strictest security standards to our own systems. Qontrol has never experienced any security incidents. We understand the trust you place in us every day by using the platform and sharing your security plans. We are committed to maintaining that trust.

Does the platform only recommend tools?

A good cybersecurity strategy is not limited to tools (antivirus, etc.). It also relies on two other pillars: practices and culture. Qontrol therefore offers a balanced strategy across these three areas. For instance, you'll find training recommendations in Qontrol's action plans. Users will even undergo ongoing micro-learning modules to raise awareness about cybersecurity best practices.

Is there a minimum commitment period for Qontrol services?

Our support makes sense only over time: a security plan is implemented gradually, including with the arrival of new collaborators, and requires regular updates. Our concept of the trust relationship we build is to never tie you down with an artificial annual commitment clause. You can stop the support at any time without justification. We would be sad, but we would settle all accounts, including reimbursing your prepaid months in the case of an annual subscription. Note: Some services subscribed to through the Qontrol platform from a third-party provider may have different engagement policies. In such cases, they are always mentioned.

How do I proceed with the purchase once I've chosen my action plan on Qontrol?

We want the deployment of your action plan to be a success. This involves a simple purchasing process that doesn't waste your time or patience. Therefore, you make all your purchases on the Qontrol marketplace, and you receive a single invoice for all your services. Simple and efficient.